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Beyond Biceps & Likes: Defining Your Why and Crafting a Workout Journey You Love

Hey, wanderers! I have recently thought about the 5 Ws and 1 H in correlation to my fitness journey and project management. The 5 Ws(What, When, Where, Who, Why.) and 1 H(How) are essentially the best way to solve many of life's problems but to my surprise most of us do not follow through.  When we come across circumstances, we easily lose sight of the most crucial question: why are we doing this in the first place?

Here's what I mean, we've all(except for those who don't use social media at all) had a moment of scrolling through Instagram fitness feeds, and... suddenly, we were mesmerized by sculpted bodies and #fitspo goals. The urge to grab our gym bags and join the trend burns bright, but let's be honest – how often does that initial spark fizzle out faster than a poorly-lit campfire?

The truth is, chasing external validation through fitness is a recipe for burnout. Sure, looking good feels good, but when that becomes the sole focus, the joy of movement gets lost in the chase for likes and fleeting admiration. 

So, before you lace up your shoes and  dive headfirst into another workout routine, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery. Forget the "shoulds" and "have-tos," and unlock the true power of movement by asking yourself: What, When, Where, Who, Why, and How?

The journey to a sustainable and fulfilling workout routine starts with asking yourself six key questions:

  • What: What makes you truly feel good? Do you crave the energy boost of a run, the mindful flow of yoga, or the camaraderie of team sports? Identify activities that resonate with your soul, not just your social feed.
  • When: Are you an early bird who thrives on morning jogs, or a night owl who needs the gym's electric energy to get pumped? Finding the time that fits your rhythm makes sticking to it smoother.
  • Where: Do you dream of open-air workouts amidst nature, or do you find motivation in the controlled environment of a gym? Choose a setting that inspires you, not one that feels like a chore.
  • Who: Will you embark on this solo adventure, or seek the support of a workout buddy or group fitness class? Choosing your fellow warriors can make the journey more fun and accountable.
  • Why: This is your compass. Why do you want to move your body? Is it for stress relief, increased energy, building strength, or simply embracing the joy of movement? Understanding your deeper purpose fuels your fire when motivation wanes.
  • How: Now that you know your "why," explore different ways to move. Experiment with various activities, find what ignites your passion, and don't be afraid to try something new! Remember, movement isn't just about reps and sets; it's about finding joy and meaning in every step.

To be honest with you(I know you are already motivated), the journey of self-discovery won't be easy. There will be days when motivation wanes, and challenges arise. But once you've answered these questions("what, when, where, who, why, and how,"), the exciting part begins – designing your unique fitness journey! It's not about rigid routines or following trends blindly. It's about creating a flexible plan that fits your preferences, lifestyle, and most importantly, your why.

As a fellow wanderer, let me share with you some tips for charting your course:

  1. Start small and celebrate progress: Don't overwhelm yourself with unrealistic goals. Begin with achievable steps and acknowledge every victory, big or small. Embrace the journey, not just the destination.
  2. Mix it up! Prevent boredom by incorporating different activities you enjoy. Dance one day, hike the next, and challenge yourself with new things. Trying a variety of workouts helps you discover what truly excites you.
  3. Listen to your body: Rest when you need it, push yourself when you can, and don't be afraid to adjust your plan as needed. It's all about finding a sustainable balance.
  4. Find your tribe: Surround yourself with supportive people who share your passion for movement. Join a group fitness class, find a workout buddy, or connect with online communities(such as Sustainable Habits by Aussi).
  5. Fuel your body right: Nourish your body with healthy, delicious food to support your workouts.
  6. Make it fun: Laughter is the best motivator! Choose activities you genuinely enjoy, add music, explore new places, and don't take yourself too seriously. 
  7. Seek guidance: Consider consulting a personal trainer or coach for personalized guidance.

Remember, wanderers, the most important part of your fitness journey is finding what YOU love and why YOU love it. As the book of IKIGAI:THE JAPANESE SECRET TO A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles writes, if you find and do what you love, you will never retire or stop. Let go of the pressure to impress others and chase the joy of movement that fuels your soul. With a clear "why" as your compass and a personalized plan that excites you, your fitness adventure will be anything but a fleeting trend. It will be a lifelong journey of self-discovery, strength, and well-being.

So, grab your metaphorical backpack, define your "why," and embark on your unique adventure! Share your fitness goals, challenges, and victories in the comments below. Let's inspire each other to create workout journeys that are anything but ordinary!

Onward, to conquer and thrive, with purpose!


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